Following Ofsted's inspection of Outwood Primary Academy Littleworth Grange on Tue 09 Jul 2024, we were rated as Good.
"Behaviour is exemplary both in classrooms and at other times of the day."
"The school’s ambition for pupils is high. From the first day of learning, in the early years, nothing is left to chance."
"The school’s qualities of resilience, creativity, independence, confidence and respect underpin the curriculum and practice in the school."
Description | Data |
% of pupils who've achieved the expected standard in reading, writing and maths | 66% |
Average progess that pupils have made in reading between KS1 and KS2 | n/a |
Average progess that pupils have made in writing between KS1 and KS2 | n/a |
Average progess that pupils have made in mathematics between KS1 and KS2 | n/a |
% of pupils who've achieved a higher standard in reading, writing and maths | 0% |
Average score in the reading test | 103 |
Average score in the mathematics test | 105 |
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